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It's Time to Get Real



As an urban youth in Memphis, DULAA's early life experiences presented dangerous challenges, and although not a stranger to gang activity and violence, he has defied the odds and broken the statistical mold to emerge as a leader.


In his early years as an artist, writer, and producer, DULAA gained the respect of many in the music industry.  A savvy business owner of the Memphis based recording studio, Reality Records, DULAA has had the opportunity to open for many major artists.

However, this success and industry exposure left him contemplating the messages he was sending through his music and he began to realize that he was using his talent to proliferate images, which furthered negative urban stereotypes, upheld violent ideals, and damaged the mindset of his audiences.  

"It was like an amazing change of heart. I started thinking about my son and the kids who listen to me"

DULAA struggled with this dichotemous situation for years, straddling the fence with his gift, but soon, he began to infuse positive themes into his music.  Through this period, he created and released a double CD called Komplex Feelings, which featured songs of turmoil, as well as uplift and inspiration.  He used his next album, TIME, to testify and begin the healing process.


At a time when people were beginning to take advantage of his emerging new lease on life, DULAA had in in-studio reckoning. Now, through all adversities, he gives tirelessly to the purpose of reaching young people by example. 

As a born-again believer, who understands that his integrity, character, and standards must be higher as a role model and influential musical talent, DULAA offers a model for young people to emulate.  Through Reality Records, he produces real and positive music, which relates to, and inspires today's youth through their own musical and cultural dialect.


His commitment to enlarging the vision, encouraging and supporting others, while still maintaining the look and feel of many living within inner-city communities, creates a relatable inspiration, which proves that if DULAA can do it, so can they.

"DULAA stands for REAL and how am I being real by promoting something that I would not want any of my folks to go through"

About Dulaa
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